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Full-service package for textured fair-faced concrete


Project data


Concrete slope facing wall with natural stone relief on the extension of Serfauser Strasse, Austria

Serfauser Straße in Austria

The L19 is an important provincial link road in Tyrol. The narrow carriageway and the risk of falling rocks made it necessary to widen this section of road.

Formwork systems
  • NOEplast textured formliner “Murus Romanus” natural stone relief
  • NOEtop wall formwork used as beam formwork and NOE support blocks for one-sided construction

Special features
NOE-Schaltechnik is the only company in the market that manufactures both formwork and textured formliners. For customers this has the advantage that they can obtain formwork and other formwork technology, for creating e.g. textured concrete surfaces, from a single supplier. The customer has a single point of contact and can be sure the various systems are proven in practice and compatible with one another. NOE is the only textured formliner manufacturer who can supply textured formliners completely ready for immediate use on site, which makes work significantly easier on sites using in situ concrete.

Land Tirol, Landesstraßenverwaltung, Gruppe Bau und Technik, Abteilung Straßenbau, 6020 Innsbruck, Österreich

Main contractor
Hilti & Jehle GmbH, 6800 Feldkirch, Österreich

Betonböschungswand mit Natursteinoptik beim Ausbau der Serfauser Straße

"We found the textured formliners presented no problems at all. It was a big help that they arrived on site ready for use, thus saving us a lot of preparation work.”
Site foreman