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Unlimited creativity with NOEplast formliners

NOE enables the aesthetic and economical design of concrete. With NOEplast concrete formliners, the creative possibilities are almost limitless.

Exposed concrete has had a place in architecture for decades, and for a variety of reasons. It is one of the most durable, long-lasting and economical materials. And it is the material par excellence that offers the greatest architectural freedom. Formliners are undoubtedly the best way to shape concrete.That‘s why, for over 50 years, NOE has played an active part in the aesthetic and economic design of concrete, giving free rein to creativity.

The advantages of NOEplast formliners

  • Collection  with more than 180 designs
  • Custom design options
  • High reusability
  • Pre-assembled on plywood
  • Fibre-reinforced back
  • A field team close to customers
  • A single point of contact for formwork and formliners